Kiel (250.000 inhabitants) is the capital of Schleswig- Holstein. Founded in the X th century, it took part of the Hanseatic guild in the XIII th. Handed
to the Danmark in the XVIII th, it went back under prussian control in 1866. Headquarter of the imperial fleet during the First World War, the naval
base was bombed during the Second War.

Kiel on the Baltic
It is a significant port which leads on the Baltic with engineering and shipbuilding companies.

Bay of Kiel
The Pamir was modified there (extension of the aft castle and setting up of an auxiliary engine) during the
winter 1950-51.

The Harbour

Tug |


Kiel |


The Maritime Museum |


The seamen memorial |

City Hall |

Centre (1)

Church |

The Lighthouse

City Hall (2) |

Canal Lighthouse (1) |

Kaiser-Wilhelm Canal

HDW Shipyards (1) |