


Montevideo is the largest city, the capital, and the chief port of Uruguay with 1,3 millions inhabitants, on the Río de la Plata.

Rio de la Plata

Between Argentina and Uruguay, the Río de la Plata is the mouth of the Uruguay and the Paranà.

She has a length of 320 km. Her depth varies between 2,5 m near the shores ; 8,0 m beyond 2.300 m of the land and between 15,0 and 20,0 m near her external limit.

The Pamir, under Finnish Flag, put there in 1940 () then under German Flag, in 1952 and 1957 ( ).

Montevideo (3)

Street with blooming Jacarandas (3)

Plaza Independencia

The Antel Tower (Telecom Uruguay) (3)

Playa de Pocitos (3)

Palacio Legislativo

The Harbour (1)


Montevideo 14/02-10/03/1957 (5)

Montevideo 14/02-10/03/1957 (6)

Montevideo (2)


(1) Google Maps

(2) Viermastbark Pamir Karl-Otto Dummer

(3) Wikipedia

(4) Uruguay BP

(5) Erik Jensen (DK)

(6) Johan Klintberg

The last voyage of the Pamir

The voyages of the Pamir

The Harbors of the Pamir

The Pamir