
Germany, flag

Robert Clauß

Robert Clauß 1969 (4)
Robert Clauß (1894 - 1974) passed 35 times the Horn Cape, of which 15 times as a Captain.

Robert Clauß 1930
He boarded on the Pamir from april 1929 to november 1930, as Captain ( ).

On 23/12/1930 at Hamburg, he took command of the Padua, bound for Talcahuano, then of the Priwall from 1932 to 1935 and again the Padua until 1937.

In 1960, he will drive the Passat to her last harbour at Travemünde.

Robert Clauß 195x (6)

During this voyage, Heinrich Hauser shot a movie on board.

Robert Clauß 1930 aboard the Padua (5)

Robert Clauß, 1930, Heinrich Hauser's movie (1)


Robert Clauß, 1930, H. Hauser's movie (2)

Robert Clauß, 1930, H. Hauser's movie (2)

R. Clauß doctor, 1930, H. Hauser's movie (3)

Robert Clauß, 1930, H. Hauser's movie (1)

Robert Clauß, 1930, H. Hauser's movie (1)

R. Clauß doctor, 1930, H. Hauser's movie (3)


(0) Pamir Playlist

(1) YouTube 1

(2) YouTube 2

(3) YouTube 3

(4) Wiki DE

(5) Die letzten Flying P-Liner, Andreas Gondesen

(6) Viermastbark Pamir, Karl-Otto Dummer

The firsts german crews

The movie from Heinrich Hauser

The Captains